AMOS Professional Editor Commands

Documentation by F.Lionet

Copyright © 1993 Europress Software 1993


The AMOSPro editor contains many advanced features. One of them is the ability to launch AMOS programs as accessories.

To be an accessory a program has to respect a few rules:

If the above conditions are respected the program will have full access to the source code of the current program. This means it can edit the file, save it or do whatever necessary with it. It even has full access to the editor screen, and can even display into it!

This system is incredibly powerful. Almost anything is possible.

A few example ideas:

How does it work?

Once your program is called as an accessory, it can use two AMOSPro instructions: Ask Editor and Call Editor.

Optional parameters returned by the editor will be found in =Param and =Param$.

All the editor calls are defined in AMOSPro_System_Equate file. You'll need to use the =Equ("") instruction to get the correct value.

Call Editor FUNCTION [,PAR][,PAR$]

This instruction is used to send commands to the editor. It acts just like a TV remote controler: making the editor cursor move, opening a window etc.

FUNCTION: the number of the function to be called, must begin with "AEd_"

PAR: an optional integer parameter, usually for requester simulated input (stated for each function).

PAR$: an optional string parameter, for example a file name.

Ask Editor FUNCTION [,PAR][,PAR$]

As the name implies, this instruction is used to get information from the editor.

FUNCTION: the number of the function to be called. Must begin with "AEdAsk_"

PAR: the optional integer parameter

PAR$: the optional string parameter.

The "Ask Editor" Commands

Any integer parameter is returned in =Param
Any string is returned in =Param$

AEdAsk_CurrentLine (1)
Returns the current line (under the cursor)
No parameter
AEdAsk_ProgramName (2)
Returns the name of the current program
No parameter
AEdAsk_X (3)
Returns the current cursor's X position
No parameter
AEdAsk_Y (4)
Returns the current cursor's Y position
No parameter
AEdAsk_NumberOfLines (5)
Returns the number of lines of the current program
No parameter
AEdAsk_BlocX1 (6)
Returns the X position of the start of the highlighted block (if defined)
No parameter
AEdAsk_BlocY1 (7)
Returns the Y position of the start of the highlighted block (if defined)
No parameter
AEdAsk_BlocY2 (8)
Returns the X position of the end of the highlighted block (if defined)
No parameter
AEdAsk_BlocY2 (9)
Returns the Y position of the end of the highlighted block (if defined)
No parameter
AEdAsk_Free (10)
Returns the amount of free buffer space.
No parameter
AEdAsk_Struc (11)
Internal use only
AEdAsk_Token (12)
Tokenise the given ASCII String into AMOS source code, and returns a pointer to a buffer containing the tokenised code.
PAR$= string to tokenise.

The editor commands

After the command has been called:

=Param contains the error state: 0 if no error, <>0 if an error occured.

=Param$ is empty if no errors occured, and contains the error message if an error occured.

AEd_Up (1)
Moves the cursor up one line
AEd_Down (2)
Moves the cursor down one line.
AEd_Left (3)
Moves the cursor left one character.
AEd_Right (4)
Moves the cursor right one character.
AEd_TopPage (5)
Moves the cursor to the top of the current window.
AEd_BottomPage (6)
Move the cursor to the bottom of the current window.
AEd_WordLeft (7)
Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous word.
AEd_WordRight (8)
Move the cursor to the beginning of the next word.
AEd_PageUp (9)
Move the cursor up one page in the text.
AEd_PageDown (10)
Move the cursor down one page in the text.
AEd_StartLine (11)
Move the cursor to the start of the current line.
AEd_EndLine (12)
Move the cursor to the end of the current line.
AEd_WindowUp (13)
Moves the current window up.
AEd_WindowDown (14)
Moves the current window down.
AEd_WindowSmaller (15)
Reduce the size of the current window.
AEd_WindowBigger (16)
Increase the size of the current window.
AEd_TopOfText (17)
Move the cursor to the top of the text.
AEd_BottomOfText (18)
Move the cursor to the end of the text.
AEd_Return (19)
Performs a RETURN
AEd_BackSpace (20)
Performs a BACKSPACE: delete one character to the left of the cursor.
AEd_Delete (21)
Performs a DELETE: delete one character to the right of the cursor.
AEd_ClrLine (22)
Clears the entire current line.
AEd_DelLine (23)
Delete the current line, and scroll up the rest of the text Ctrl-Y
AEd_Tab (24)
Insert one tab TAB
AEd_SetTab (25)
Set the current tab value.
PAR= new tab value.
AEd_InsertLine (29)
Insert one empty line at the current cursor position F10
AEd_DelToEndOfLine (30)
Delete to the end of the current line Ctrl-Del
AEd_PreviousLabel (31)
Go to previous label.
AEd_NextLabel (32)
Go to next label.
AEd_Load (33)
Load a new program in the current window.
PAR$= filename of the program to load.
PAR= answer to the requester "Program not saved, save it?" 0= CANCEL / 1=YES / 2=NO
AEd_SaveAs (34)
Save the current program with a new name.
PAR$= new filename.
AEd_Save (35)
Save the current program.
PAR$= optional name if program is not named.
AEd_DelWordRight (36)
Delete the word to the right of the cursor.
AEd_DelWordLeft (37)
Delete the word to the left of the cursor.
AEd_Hide (38)
Hide the current program.
AEd_SetSystemMark1 (39)
Set system mark number 1
AEd_SetSystemMark2 (40)
Set system mark number 2.
AEd_SetSystemMark3 (41)
Set system mark number 3.
AEd_SetMark1 (42)
Set mark number 1.
AEd_SetMark2 (43)
Set mark number 2.
AEd_SetMark3 (44)
Set mark number 3.
AEd_SetMark4 (45)
Set mark number 4.
AEd_SetMark5 (46)
Set mark number 5.
AEd_SetMark6 (47)
Set mark number 6.
AEd_GotoSystemMark1 (49)
Move the cursor to the system mark number 1.
AEd_GotoSystemMark2 (50)
Move the cursor to the system mark number 2.
AEd_GotoSystemMark3 (51)
Move the cursor to the system mark number 3.
AEd_GotoMark1 (52)
Move the cursor to the mark number 1.
AEd_GotoMark2 (53)
Move the cursor to the mark number 2.
AEd_GotoMark3 (54)
Move the cursor to the mark number 3.
AEd_GotoMark4 (55)
Move the cursor to the mark number 4.
AEd_GotoMark5 (56)
Move the cursor to the mark number 5.
AEd_GotoMark6 (57)
Move the cursor to the mark number 6.
AEd_BlocOnOff (59)
Toggle the block mode on/off.
AEd_Forget (60)
Forget the currently stored block.
AEd_OpenLoad (61)
Opens a new window, and loads the specified program into it.
PAR$= file name to load
PAR= answer to "Buffer to small" requester. 0=NO / 1=YES
AEd_BlocCut (62)
Cut the currently highlighted block.
AEd_BlocPaste (63)
Paste the currently stored block.
AEd_DelToStartOfLine (64)
Delete to the start of the current line.
AEd_Undo (65)
Performs one step of UNDO.
AEd_Search (66)
Initialise the search process. Search does NOT begin after this instruction, you should call AEd_SearchNext or AEd_SearchPrevious.
PAR$= string to look for (31 char maximum).
PAR=0: lower<>upper
PAR=1 lower=upper.
AEd_SearchNext (67)
Search for the next occurence of the string.
AEd_SearchPrevious (68)
Search for the previous occurence of the string.
AEd_ChangeLine (69)
Replace the current line with the specified one. Does NOT tokenise the line or store it into the text buffer. This line will be tonkenised automatically if the cursor is moved.
PAR$= new string to force into the screen.
AEd_NewLine (71)
Replace the current line on the screen and tokenise it. Then redisplays the tokenised line (which may differ).
PAR$=new string to force into the text.
AEd_BlocStore (72)
Stores the highlighted block into memory.
AEd_Clear (80)
New the current program.
PAR= answer to "Program not saved, save?" requester. 0=CANCEL / 1=YES / 2=NO
AEd_Close (81)
Close the current window.
PAR= answer to "Program not saved, save?" requester. 0=CANCEL / 1=YES / 2=NO
AEd_Merge (84)
Merge a program from disc with the current one, at the cursor's position.
PAR$= name of the program to merge.
AEd_MergeAscii (85)
Merge an ascii text at the cursor's position.
PAR$= name of the file to merge.
AEd_BlocPrint (86)
Print the currently stored block.
AEd_UnfoldAll (89)
Open all closed procedures.
AEd_WindowPrev (91)
Activate previous window.
AEd_WindowNext (92)
Activate next window.
AEd_WindowToggle (93)
Toggle the size of the window (large or small).
AEd_Redo (94)
Performs one REDO step.
AEd_BlocSaveAscii (97)
Save the currently stored block as an ascii file
PAR$= name of the file to create
AEd_BlocSave (98)
Saves the currently stored block.
PAR$= name of the file to create.
AEd_Replace (99)
Initialise the replace string and replace modes. You should first call AEd_Search to set the searched string, and the search mode. Replace process only begins if TURBO mode is selected, otherwise you must call AEd_ReplaceNext or AEd_ReplacePrevious.
PAR$= string to replace with, 31 characters maximum.
PAR=0: normal replace, PAR=%0100: turbo within the block,
PAR=%1000: turbo for whole text.
AEd_ReplaceNext (100)
Replace next occurence of searched string.
AEd_ReplacePrevious (101)
Replace previous occurence of searched string.
AEd_Open (103)
Opens a new AMOS window.
AEd_PrintProgram (146)
Send the current program to the printer.
AEd_HighlightAll (181)
Highlight all the current text.
AEd_ChangeConfig (182)
Changes one of the editor's internal configuration strings. Used in AMOSPro_Editor_Config.AMOS
PAR$= new string
PAR= number of the string to change